Why do some women get dumped by men?


She was on the brink of heartbreak, just moments away from her boyfriend ending their relationship. He was about to utter words that would leave her shattered for months, even years to come. But then, she asked him three simple, seemingly innocent questions that transformed everything—how he saw her, how he felt about her, and even how he viewed relationships. Those questions stopped him from making what could have been the biggest mistake of both their lives.

Hi, Slade Shaw made a video about this, and today I’m going to reveal why men pull away and share the subtle questions you can ask any man to awaken overwhelming feelings of love and devotion. These questions can push thoughts of other women out of his mind and make him certain that you’re the only one he wants, now and forever.

I know this might sound unbelievable right now, just as it did to the hundreds of women I’ve shared these questions with over the past 11 months. Women like Angela, who tried them on a guy she’d just met at a bar. Minutes later, he was practically begging her for a date. Or Carmen, who texted these questions to a guy who’d ghosted her three weeks earlier. He not only asked for another chance but soon made her his girlfriend. Then there’s Amy, who used them on her distant husband, who’d been consumed by work and neglecting their marriage. The next day, he surprised her by booking a vacation to Cancun, where he re-proposed and asked her to renew their vows.

These questions have a profound effect on men because, without them realizing it, they trigger powerful emotions and create an intense bond. They make him feel an urgent need to commit and reveal his true thoughts and desires, even if he’s been closed off in the past.

Now, these aren’t questions about his feelings, thoughts, or what he wants in a relationship. Asking direct questions, no matter how subtle, can make a man feel pressured, even if that’s not your intention. And pressuring him is a surefire way to push him further away. Instead, these indirect questions help him open up without feeling defensive.

Before I share these questions, let me tell you about my sister Kat, the person who inspired me to uncover why men pull away from some women and devote themselves completely to others. Kat has always been my rock. When I was bullied in school, she stood up for me. When I struggled in high school, she helped me with my homework. She’s always been my biggest supporter. So, when she called me one night, desperate for advice about a guy she was dating, I felt like I was failing the one person who’d never failed me.

Kat had been dating Ryan for five months. At first, he was attentive and caring, but lately, he’d become distant. He stopped responding to her texts, avoided talking about the future, and made jokes that felt like he was pushing her away. She didn’t want to be the “naggy girlfriend,” but she also didn’t want to ignore the signs. She feared he was waiting for someone better to come along.

This wasn’t the first time this had happened to her. She’d been through similar situations before, and it left her wondering if she’d ever find a loving, lasting relationship like our parents had. She asked me for help, but as a men’s dating coach, I realized I didn’t have all the answers. I knew how Ryan felt because I’d been that guy before. I’d pulled away from women without fully understanding why.

Determined to help Kat, I reached out to thousands of men on my email list, asking them why they pulled away from some women and what made them commit to others. The responses were eye-opening. I discovered three key insights that explain why men pull away and what women can do to turn things around.

Discovery #1: Men want love and commitment just as much as women do. Despite stereotypes, most men desire a deep, meaningful connection with one special person. They may hide this desire to avoid appearing vulnerable, but deep down, they long for intimacy and partnership.

Discovery #2: Men need specific triggers to commit fully. While women bond naturally through shared experiences and chemistry, men don’t have the same automatic bonding mechanism. They need something extra to push them from “I like her” to “I can’t live without her.”

Discovery #3: Pulling away is a man’s way of testing if you’re the one. When a man pulls away, it creates a critical moment. How you respond determines whether he sees you as a long-term partner or just a temporary fling. Most women either try to talk about it or pull back themselves, but these approaches often backfire. Instead, the key is to understand his true reasons for pulling away and respond in a way that strengthens your bond.

I shared these insights with Kat and gave her the harmless questions to ask Ryan. She was skeptical but decided to try them. The results were immediate. During brunch, she casually slipped the questions into their conversation, and Ryan’s demeanor changed. He became more attentive, affectionate, and open. Later, he confessed that he’d been planning to break up with her that day, but her questions made him realize how much he loved her. Two months later, they were engaged.

Kat’s story is just one example of how these questions can transform a relationship. They work because they tap into a man’s deepest emotions and make him feel understood and valued. If you’re ready to change the way men respond to you, to turn their feelings for you on like a light switch, then these questions are your key.

In my program, Why , I dive deeper into these insights and provide the exact questions and techniques that can help you create a lasting, loving connection. Whether you’re single, in a new relationship, or married for years, this program can help you break the cycle of frustration and find the love you deserve.

So, are you ready to take control of your love life? Are you ready to stop repeating the same patterns and start a new chapter of happiness? If the answer is yes, then there’s hope for a brighter future. Let’s make it happen.